The Wassenaar Arrangement - Dual-Use and Munitions Lists - July 1996





(For propulsion systems designed or rated against neutron or transient ionizing radiation, see ML12.)*

9.A.1. Aero gas turbine engines incorporating any of the "technologies" specified in 9.E.3.a., as follows:

a. Not certified for the specific "civil aircraft" for which they are intended;
Note For the purpose of the "civil aircraft" certification process, a number of up to 16 civil certified engines, assemblies or components including spares, is considered apprpriate.

b. Not certified for civil use by the aviation authorities in a "participating state";

c. Designed to cruise at speeds exceeding Mach 1.2 for more than thirty minutes.

9.A.2. Marine gas turbine engines with an ISO standard continuous power rating of 24,245 kW or more and a specific fuel consumption not exceeding 0.219 kg/kWh in the power range from 35 to 100%, and specially designed assemblies and components therefor.

Note The term 'marine gas turbine engines' includes those industrial, or aero-derivative, gas turbine engines adapted for a ship's electric power generation or propulsion.

9.A.3. Specially designed assemblies and components, incorporating any of the "technologies" specified in 9.E.3.a., for gas turbine engine propulsion systems, as follows:

a. Specified in 9.A.1.;

b. Whose design or production origins are either non-"participating states" or unknown to the manufacturer.

9.A.4. Space launch vehicles and "spacecraft".

Note 1 9.A.4. does not control payloads.

Note 2 For the control status of products contained in "spacecraft" payloads, see the appropriate Categories.

9.A.5. Liquid rocket propulsion systems containing any of the systems or components specified in 9.A.6.

9.A.6. Systems and components specially designed for liquid rocket propulsion systems, as follows:

a. Cryogenic refrigerators, flightweight dewars, cryogenic heat pipes or cryogenic systems specially designed for use in space vehicles and capable of restricting cryogenic fluid losses to less than 30% per year;


* France and the Russian Federation view this list as reference drawn up to help in the selection of dual-use goods which could contribute to the indigenous development, production or enhancement of conventional munitions capabilities.



b. Cryogenic containers or closed-cycle refrigeration systems capable of providing temperatures of 100 K (-173°C) or less for "aircraft" capable of sustained flight at speeds exceeding Mach 3, launch vehicles or "spacecraft";

c. Slush hydrogen storage or transfer systems;

d. High pressure (exceeding 17.5 MPa) turbo pumps, pump components or their associated gas generator or expander cycle turbine drive systems;

e. High-pressure (exceeding 10.6 MPa) thrust chambers and nozzles therefor;

f. Propellant storage systems using the principle of capillary containment or positive expulsion (i.e., with flexible bladders);

g. Liquid propellant injectors, with individual orifices of 0.381 mm or smaller in diameter (an area of 1.14 x 10-3 cm2 or smaller for non-circular orifices) specially designed for liquid rocket engines;

h. One-piece carbon-carbon thrust chambers or one-piece carbon-carbon exit cones with densities exceeding 1.4 g/cm3 and tensile strengths exceeding 48 MPa.

9.A.7. Solid rocket propulsion systems with any of the following:

a. Total impulse capacity exceeding 1.1 MNs;

b. Specific impulse of 2.4 kNs/kg or more when the nozzle flow is expanded to ambient sea level conditions for an adjusted chamber pressure of 7 MPa;

c. Stage mass fractions exceeding 88% and propellant solid loadings exceeding 86%;

d. Any of the components specified in 9.A.8 .; or

e. Insulation and propellant bonding systems using direct-bonded motor designs to provide a 'strong mechanical bond' or a barrier to chemical migration between the solid propellant and case insulation material.

Technical Note

For the purposes of 9.A.7.e., a 'strong mechanical bond' means bond strength equal to or more than propellant strength.

9.A.8. Components, as follows, specially designed for solid rocket propulsion systems:

a. Insulation and propellant bonding systems using liners to provide a 'strong mechanical bond' or a barrier to chemical migration between the solid propellant and case insulation material;
Technical Note

For the purposes of 9.A.8.a., a 'strong mechanical bond' means bond strength equal to or more than propellant strength.

b. Filament-wound "composite" motor cases exceeding 0.61 m in diameter or having structural efficiency ratios (PV/W) exceeding 25 km;

Technical Note

The structural efficiency ratio (PV/W) is the burst pressure (P) multiplied by the vessel volume (V) divided by the total pressure vessel weight (W).

c. Nozzles with thrust levels exceeding 45 kN or nozzle throat erosion rates of less than 0.075 mm/s;


d. Movable nozzle or secondary fluid injection thrust vector control systems capable of any of the following:
1. Omni-axial movement exceeding ± 5°;

2. Angular vector rotations of 20°/s or more; or

3. Angular vector accelerations of 40°/s2 or more.

9.A.9. Hybrid rocket propulsion systems with:

a. Total impulse capacity exceeding 1.1 MNs; or

b. Thrust levels exceeding 220 kN in vacuum exit conditions.

9.A.10. Specially designed components, systems and structures for launch vehicles, launch vehicle propulsion systems or "spacecraft", as follows:

a. Components and structures each exceeding 10 kg, specially designed for launch vehicles manufactured using metal "matrix", "composite", organic "composite", ceramic "matrix" or intermetallic reinforced materials specified in 1.C.7. or 1.C.10.;
Note: The weight cut-off is not relevant for nose cones.

b. Components and structures specially designed for launch vehicle propulsion systems specified in 9.A.5. to 9.A.9. manufactured using metal matrix, composite, organic composite, ceramic matrix or intermetallic reinforced materials specified in 1.C.7. or 1.C.10.;

c. Structural components and isolation systems specially designed to control actively the dynamic response or distortion of "spacecraft" structures;

d. Pulsed liquid rocket engines with thrust-to-weight ratios equal to or more than 1 kN/kg and a response time (the time required to achieve 90% of total rated thrust from start-up) of less than 30 ms.

9.A.11. Ramjet, scramjet or combined cycle engines and specially designed components therefor.


9.B.1. Specially designed equipment, tooling and fixtures, as follows, for manufacturing or measuring gas turbine blades, vanes or tip shroud castings:

a. Directional solidification or single crystal casting equipment;

b. Ceramic cores or shells;

c. Ceramic core manufacturing equipment or tools;

d. Ceramic shell wax pattern preparation equipment.

9.B.2. On-line (real time) control systems, instrumentation (including sensors) or automated data acquisition and processing equipment, specially designed for the "development" of gas turbine engines, assemblies or components incorporating "technologies" specified in 9.E.3.a.

9.B.3. Equipment specially designed for the "production" or test of gas turbine brush seals designed to operate at tip speeds exceeding 335 m/s, and temperatures in excess of 773 K (500°C), and specially designed components or accessories therefor.


9.B.4. Tools, dies or fixtures for the solid state joining of "superalloy", titanium or intermetallic airfoil-to-disk combinations described in 9.E.3 .a.3. or 9.E.3 .a.6. for gas turbines.

9.B.5. On-line (real time) control systems, instrumentation (including sensors) or automated data acquisition and processing equipment, specially designed for use with any of the following wind tunnels or devices:

a. Wind tunnels designed for speeds of Mach 1.2 or more, except those specially designed for educational purposes and having a test section size (measured laterally) of less than 250 mm;
Technical Note

Test section size in 9.B.5.a.means the diameter of the circle, or the side of the square, or the longest side of the rectangle, at the largest test section location.

b. Devices for simulating flow-environments at speeds exceeding Mach 5, including hot-shot tunnels, plasma arc tunnels, shock tubes, shock tunnels, gas tunnels and light gas guns; or

c. Wind tunnels or devices, other than two-dimensional sections, capable of simulating Reynolds number flows exceeding 25 x 106.

9.B.6. Acoustic vibration test equipment capable of producing sound pressure levels of 160 dB or more (referenced to 20 µPa) with a rated output of 4 kW or more at a test cell temperature exceeding 1,273 K (1,000°C), and specially designed quartz heaters therefor.

9.B.7. Equipment specially designed for inspecting the integrity of rocket motors using non-destructive test (NDT) techniques other than planar X-ray or basic physical or chemical analysis.

9.B.8. Transducers specially designed for the direct measurement of the wall skin friction of the test flow with a stagnation temperature exceeding 833 K (560°C).

9.B.9 Tooling specially designed for producing turbine engine powder metallurgy rotor components capable of operating at stress levels of 60% of ultimate tensile strength (UTS) or more and metal temperatures of 873 K (600°C) or more.

9.C. MATERIALS - None.


9.D.1. "Software" required for the "development" of equipment or "technology" specified in 9.A., 9.B. or 9.E.3.

9.D.2. "Software" required for the "production" of equipment specified in 9.A. or 9.B.


9.D.3. "Software" required for the "use" of full authority digital electronic engine controls (FADEC) for propulsion systems specified in 9.A. or equipment specified in 9.B., as follows:

a. "Software" in digital electronic controls for propulsion systems, aerospace test facilities or air breathing aero-engine test facilities;

b. Fault-tolerant "software" used in "FADEC" systems for propulsion systems and associated test facilities.

9.D.4. Other "software", as follows:

a. 2D or 3D viscous "software" validated with wind tunnel or flight test data required for detailed engine flow modelling;

b. "Software" for testing aero gas turbine engines, assemblies or components, specially designed to collect, reduce and analyse data in real time, and capable of feedback control, including the dynamic adjustment of test articles or test conditions, as the test is in progress;

c. "Software" specially designed to control directional solidification or single crystal casting;

d. "Software" in "source code", "object code" or machine code required for the "use" of active compensating systems for rotor blade tip clearance control.

Note 9.D.4.d. does not control "software" embedded in uncontrolled equipment or required for maintenance activities associated with the calibration or repair or updates to the active compensating clearance control system.


9.E.1. "Technology" according to the General Technology Note for the "development" of equipment or "software" specified in 9.A.1.c., 9.A.4 to 9.A.11., 9.B. or 9.D.

9.E.2. "Technology" according to the General Technology Note for the "production" of equipment specified in 9.A.1.c., 9.A.4 to 9.A.11., or 9.B.

Note 1 For "technology" for the repair of controlled structures, laminates or materials, see 1.E.2.f.

Note 2 "Development" or "production" "technology" specified in 9.E. for gas turbine engines remains controlled when used as "use" "technology" for repair, rebuild and overhaul. Excluded from control are: technical data, drawings or documentation for maintenance activities directly associated with calibration, removal or replacement of damaged or unserviceable line replaceable units, including replacement of whole engines or engine modules.

9.E.3. Other "technology", as follows:

a. "Technology" "required" for the "development" or "production" of any of the following gas turbine engine components or systems:
1. Gas turbine blades, vanes or tip shrouds made from directionally solidified (DS) or single crystal (SC) alloys having (in the 001 Miller Index Direction) a stress-rupture life exceeding 400 hours at 1,273 K (1,000°C) at a stress of 200 MPa, based on the average property values;



2. Multiple domed combustors operating at average burner outlet temperatures exceeding 1,813 K (1,540°C) or combustors incorporating thermally decoupled combustion liners, non-metallic liners or non-metallic shells;

3. Components manufactured from organic "composite" materials designed to operate above 588 K (315°C), or from metal "matrix" "composite", ceramic "matrix", intermetallic or intermetallic reinforced materials controlled by 1A002 or 1C007;

4. Uncooled turbine blades, vanes, tip-shrouds or other components designed to operate at gas path temperatures of 1,323 K (1,050°C) or more;

5. Cooled turbine blades, vanes or tip-shrouds, other than those described in 9.E.3.a.1., exposed to gas path temperatures of 1,643 K (1,370°C) or more;

6. Airfoil-to-disk blade combinations using solid state joining;

7. Gas turbine engine components using "diffusion bonding" "technology" controlled by 2E003.b.;

8. Damage tolerant gas turbine engine rotating components using powder metallurgy materials controlled by 1C002.b.;

9. "FADEC" for gas turbine and combined cycle engines and their related diagnostic components, sensors and specially designed components;

10. Adjustable flow path geometry and associated control systems for:

a. Gas generator turbines;

b. Fan or power turbines;

c. Propelling nozzles;

Notes 1 Adjustable flow path geometry and associated control systems in 9.E.3.a.10. do not include inlet guide vanes, variable pitch fans, variable stators or bleed valves for compressors.

Note 2 9.E.3.a.10. does not control "development" or "production" "technology" for adjustable flow path geometry for reverse thrust.

11. Rotor blade tip clearance control systems employing active compensating casing "technology" limited to a design and development data base; or

12. Wide chord hollow fan blades without part-span support;

b. "Technology" "required" for the "development" or "production" of any of the following:

1. Wind tunnel aero-models equipped with non-intrusive sensors capable of transmitting data from the sensors to the data acquisition system; or

2. "Composite" propeller blades or propfans capable of absorbing more than 2,000 kW at flight speeds exceeding Mach 0.55;

c. "Technology" "required" for the "development" or "production" of gas turbine engine components using "laser", water jet, ECM or EDM hole drilling processes to produce holes having any of the following sets of characteristics:

1. All of the following:
a. Depths more than four times their diameter;

b. Diameters less than 0.76 mm; and

c. Incidence angles equal to or less than 25°; or



2. All of the following:
a. Depths more than five times their diameter;

b. Diameters less than 0.4 mm; and

c. Incidence angles of more than 25°;

Technical Note

For the purposes of 9.E.3.c., incidence angle is measured from a plane tangential to the airfoil surface at the point where the hole axis enters the airfoil surface.

d. "Technology" "required" for any of the following:
1. The "development" of helicopter power transfer systems or tilt rotor or tilt wing "aircraft" power transfer systems; or

2. The "production" of helicopter power transfer systems or tilt rotor or tilt wing "aircraft" power transfer systems;


1. "Technology" for the "development" or "production" of reciprocating diesel engine ground vehicle propulsion systems having all of the following:
a. A box volume of 1.2 m3 or less;

b. An overall power output of more than 750 kW based on 80/1269/EEC, ISO 2534 or national equivalents; and

c. A power density of more than 700 kW/m3 of box volume;

Technical Note

Box volume: the product of three perpendicular dimensions measured in the following way:

Length: The length of the crankshaft from front flange to flywheel face;

Width: The widest of the following:

a. The outside dimension from valve cover to valve cover;

b. The dimensions of the outside edges of the cylinder heads; or

c. The diameter of the flywheel housing;

Height: The largest of the following:

a. The dimension of the crankshaft centre-line to the top plane of the valve cover (or cylinder head) plus twice the stroke; or

b. The diameter of the flywheel housing.

2. "Technology" "required" for the "production" of specially designed components, as follows, for high output diesel engines:

a. "Technology" "required" for the "production" of engine systems having all of the following components employing ceramics materials controlled by 1.C.7.:
1. Cylinder liners;

2. Pistons;

3. Cylinder heads; and

4. One or more other components (including exhaust ports, turbochargers, valve guides, valve assemblies or insulated fuel injectors);



b. "Technology" "required" for the "production" of turbocharger systems, with single-stage compressors having all of the following:
1. Operating at pressure ratios of 4:1 or higher;

2. A mass flow in the range from 30 to 130 kg per minute; and

3. Variable flow area capability within the compressor or turbine sections;

c. "Technology" "required" for the "production" of fuel injection systems with a specially designed multifuel (e.g., diesel or jet fuel) capability covering a viscosity range from diesel fuel (2.5 cSt at 310.8 K (37.8°C)) down to gasoline fuel (0.5 cSt at 310.8 K (37.8°C)), having both of the following:

1. Injection amount in excess of 230 mm3 per injection per cylinder; and

2. Specially designed electronic control features for switching governor characteristics automatically depending on fuel property to provide the same torque characteristics by using the appropriate sensors;


3. "Technology" "required" for the "development" or "production" of high output diesel engines for solid, gas phase or liquid film (or combinations thereof) cylinder wall lubrication, permitting operation to temperatures exceeding 723 K (450°C), measured on the cylinder wall at the top limit of travel of the top ring of the piston.
Technical Note

High output diesel engines: diesel engines with a specified brake mean effective pressure of 1.8 MPa or more at a speed of 2,300 r.p.m., provided the rated speed is 2,300 r.p.m. or more.

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Hypertext by JYA/Urban Deadline.